Babelada is a platform that will allow the community to collaborate, through gamified features, as a translator of the most relevant Cardano/blockchain resources from English to any other language.

One of the perks of the platform is that it promotes the participation of any bilingual/multilingual member of the community, allowing to reach big amounts of translated materials, to diverse languages. Also, the quality validation of translation would be in charge of the community.

The platform considers 3 different kinds of users:

<aside> 📄 English material owner: The user that produces and owns the material; they decide how to divide it and post it and the desired languages to be translated to, according to their particular requirements. Once they receive a satisfactorily translated material, they award ADA rewards to the translator user.


<aside> 🌏 Bilingual/Multilingual Translator: This user selects the available materials to be translated, based on their specific languages knowledge. Once they translate satisfactorily, they receive ADA rewards, these rewards can grow the more the users participate as translators and according to their evaluations received by the Learner user.


<aside> 👩🏽‍💻 Learner: The user that consumes and evaluates the quality of translations.
